Now one can love
the good of a city in two ways: in one way to possess it, in another that it
might be preserved. If someone loves the good of a city in order to have and
own it, he is not a good political person, because in this way even a tyrant
loves the good of a city, in order to dominate it, which is to love oneself more
than the city. He wants this good for himself, not for the city.
But to love the
good of the city that it might be kept and defended, this is truly to love the
city and this makes a person a good political person, so much so that some
expose themselves to the danger of death and neglect their private good in
order to preserve or increase the good of the city. In the same way, to love
the good that is participated by the blessed, to love it so as to have or
possess it, does not establish the right relation between a person and
blessedness, because even evil people want this good.
But to love that good according to itself, that it may
remain and be shared out and that nothing be done against this good, this gives
to a person the right relation to that society of the blessed. And this is love
[caritas] which loves God for his sake and the neighbors, who are
capable of blessedness, as oneself.
-St. Thomas
Aquinas, De Virtutibus, 2.2 c.