Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Reading List

Over at Pontifications, there is a theology reading list for college.

It is as follows:

Part I

Diogenes Allen, Philosophy for Understanding Theology

Irenaeus, On the Apostolic Preaching

Athanasius, On the Incarnation

Basil, On the Holy Spirit

Gregory of Nazianzus, On God and Man

Cyril of Alexandria, On the Unity of Christ

Augustine, Confessions

Frederick Christian Bauerschmidt, Holy Teaching: Introducing the Summa Theologiae of St. Thomas Aquinas

Robert Wilken, The Spirit of Early Christian Thought

Boris Bobrinskoy, The Mystery of the Trinity

Leo Davis, The First Seven Ecumenical Councils (325-787)

Robert Sokolowski, The God of Faith and Reason

Thomas Oden, Systematic Theology (3 vols)

Part II

Günther Bornkamm, Jesus of Nazareth

N. T. Wright, Paul: In Fresh Perspective

Brevard Childs, Biblical Theology of the Old and New Testaments

Karl Barth, Dogmatics in Outline

Henri de Lubac, Catholicism: Christ and the Common Destiny of Man

Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Introduction to Christianity

Servais Pinckaers, The Sources of Christian Ethics

Looks like a good list. I however, have only read Augustine's Confessions and Ratzinger's Introduction to Christianity from the list. I've read quite a bit of Ratzinger's books and many other theology books. I am currently working on a stack that is beside my desk which includes Origen, Newman, Chesterton, Ratzinger (of course), Kreeft, and various books on church history. When I'm finished with those, then I will tackle the Pontificator's list.

Does anyone else have any suggestions?


Unknown said...

Oh, and I am also listening to Scott Hahn's "Hail, Holy Queen" on CD to and from work! I love maximizing my reading!

Saint Peter's helpers said...

That's a great idea - audio books! They say that it's a great book by Dr. Hahn.

Unknown said...

I finished the audio book today. It was very good! I highly recommend it. So far all of Scott Hahn's books that I have read (or heard) have been great.