Friday, May 05, 2006

Filled With All Gifts And Perfect Knowledge

"We have come to know the economy of salvation only through those who have transmitted the Gospel to us. First they preached this Gospel. Then later, following the will of God, they transmitted it to us in the Scriptures so that it would be the pillar and mainstay of our faith. It cannot be said that they preached before they had acquired perfect knowledge. Some dare to make this statement, boasting that they can improve on the apostles. But in reality, after our Lord had risen from the dead and they had received the power of the Spirit from above, they were filled with all gifts and had perfect knowledge. So they set out for the ends of the earth, preaching about God's goodness to us and announcing heavenly peace to men. Each and every one of them possesed God's Gospel."

-St. Irenaeus

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