Tuesday, January 09, 2007

"How Can That Be Repeated, Which Never Comes To An End?"

The quote in the title comes from George Milligan.

If a Protestant ever objects to the phrase "sacrifice of the Mass" and makes the claim to you that in the Mass we "re-crucify" Christ, simply say this to them. For Christ's sacrifice is a perpetual sacrifice. It is once-for-all, eternally sacrificed to the Father. We see in the Book of Revelation that Christ appears as a Lamb standing as if slain. When John looked over, he expected to see the Lion of the tribe of Judah standing in His glory. Instead, he saw the standing slain Lamb, which is Christ in His glory. This is how Christ appeared to John in Heaven. Also, when Christ showed Himself to the Apostles after the resurrection, He still had the wounds of His crucifixion. They are the marks of His glorious death and resurrection!

In the Mass, we do not "re-crucify" Christ. Rather, Christ's eternal sacrifice is re-presented in the Eucharist. And that re-presented sacrifice of the Mass is the same sacrifice that took place on Calvary!

"How Can That Be Repeated, Which Never Comes To An End?"

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