Wednesday, January 25, 2006

It' Here!

Pope Benedict XVI's first encyclical.


Unknown said...

I decided to become Catholic after much prayer and research. I came to realize that Catholicism is the fullest expression of Christianity. It is the Christianity taught and passed on from Jesus and the Apostles. Every time a group broke off of Catholicism to form their own denomination, they lost a bit of the essentials of Christianity.
You said in a previous comment that you were thinking of becoming non denomination because you don't need the complications of a denomination.
I would say to you that being non-denomination is going to be even more complicated! A non-denominational church doesn't have any stated doctrine of beliefs. It's almost anything goes.
Whereas, in the Catholic Church you do have specific doctrines of belief and you can eliminate any complication or confusion over what you actually believe.
My advice to you would be to research the Catholic faith and pray about it. After that make the decision your conscience tells you to make.
If you have any questions about Catholicism feel free to ask anytime!


Unknown said...

That's great about the encyclical, gives us something great to read.
I also researched the Catholic faith before becoming a Catholic, and noticed that all I was told about the Church was different that what it "really" taught and stood for.
What I found in other Churches is just what you said, anything goes and things can change all too instantly.
Well happy reading of the Encylical!