Friday, November 18, 2005

Jon Voight Plays John Paul II, Benedict Grateful

"Watching this film," said the Holy Father, "has renewed in me and, I think, in everyone who had the gift of knowing (John Paul II), a sense of profound gratitude to God for having given the church and the world a pope of such an exalted human and spiritual stature.”

“That affective and spiritual bond with John Paul II, which became even closer during the period of his final illness and death, was not interrupted,” he told the crowd.

“It has never been broken,” he emphasized, “because it is a bond between souls, between the great soul of the pope and the souls of innumerable believers; between his fatherly heart and the hearts of countless men and women of good will who recognized in him a friend, and a defender of man, of truth, of justice, of freedom and of peace.”

Read it all here.

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